Manipulator General Inverse Kinematic Solver
▼Nmagiks | |
▼Ngeometry | |
▼Nmanipulator_geometry | |
CManipulator_Geometry | This class contains a list of relative and absolute transfer matrices representing the forward kinematics of a manipulator |
CManipulator_Geometry_Settings | This class contains geometrical properties and dimensional settings of a chained-link manipulator |
▼Njacobian | |
▼Njacobian | |
CAnalytic_Jacobian | This class contains the standard analytic jacobian of a manipulator with required methods for calculating it |
CError_Jacobian | Contains the Error Jacobian of an end-effector established from one or more reference positions (Task Points) or reference orientations (Task Framess) with required methods for creating and calculating it |
CGeometric_Jacobian | Contains the Geometric jacobian of an end-effector that can be established of a number of reference positions (Task Points) or reference orientations (Task Frames) with methods for creating and calculating them |
▼Njointspace | |
▼Nmanipulator_configuration | |
CManipulator_Configuration | This class represents a model of the joint configuration of a chained-link manipulator |
CManipulator_Configuration_Settings | This class contains joint properties of a chained-link manipulator |
▼Nmagiks_core | |
▼Nfunction_library | |
CZghal_Function | |
▼Ninverse_kinematics | |
CInverse_Kinematics | |
▼Nspecific_geometries | |
▼Npr2 | |
▼Npr2_arm_kinematics | |
CPR2_ARM | Contains properties and methods managing the kinematics of the PR2 robot arm |
CPR2_ARM_Configuration | Contains properties and methods regarding the PR2 arm joint-space |
CPR2_Arm_Symbolic | |
▼Npr2_kinematics | |
CPR2 | Contains properties and methods managing the kinematics of the PR2 robot |
▼Npr2_symbolics | |
CPR2_Arm_Symbolic | |
CPR2_Symbolic | |
▼Npyride_synchronizer | |
CPyRide_PR2 | This class introduces a data structure for complete kinematics of a PR2 robot which can sychronize itself with the real robot or the robot in simulation |
▼Nskilled_pr2 | |
CSkilled_PR2 | |
▼Nwriter_pr2 | |
CWriter_PR2 | |
▼Ntaskspace | |
▼Ncost_function | |
CCost_Function | |
▼Nendeffector | |
CEndeffector | |
CEndeffector_Settings | |
▼Nlink_point | |
CLink_Point | |
▼Ntask_point | |
CTask_Point | |
▼Ntask_reference | |
CTask_Frame | |
CTask_Point | |
CTask_Reference | |
▼Nworkspace | |
CWorkspace | |
CWorkspace_Settings | This class contains all the required settings of a workspace |
▼Nmath_tools | |
▼Nalgebra | |
▼Ncomplex | |
CComplex_Number | |
▼Nfunctions | |
CFunction | |
▼Npolynomials | |
CPoint | |
CPolynomial | |
CPolynomial1_Interpolator | |
CPolynomial2_Interpolator | |
CPolynomial3_Interpolator | |
▼Nquaternions | |
CQuaternion | |
▼Ngeometry | |
▼Ngeometry | |
CEllipsoid | |
COrientation_3D | This class, introduces a rotation in the three-dimensional space |
CPoint_3D | This class, introduces a structure for a point in the three-dimensional space |
▼Npose_metric | |
CMetric | |
CMetric_Settings | Class Constructor: |
COrientation_Metric | |
CPose_Metric | |
CPosition_Metric | |
▼Ntrajectory | |
CKey_Point | This class, introduces a structure for a key point in the multi-dimensional space |
COrientation_Path | |
COrientation_Path_Polynomial | |
COrientation_Trajectory | |
COrientation_Trajectory_Polynomial | |
CPath | This class contains properties and methods for a Trajectory Segment A trajectory is established of one segment or a number of segments connected together creating a path in the space |
CPath_Plot_Settings | |
CPath_Polynomial | |
CTrajectory | |
CTrajectory_Polynomial |