Manipulator General Inverse Kinematic Solver
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PR2_ARM Class Reference

Contains properties and methods managing the kinematics of the PR2 robot arm. More...

Public Member Functions

def __init__
 The Class Constructor: More...
def set_config
 Sets the robot configuration to the desired given joint values. More...
def set_target
 Sets the endeffector target to a desired position and orientation. More...
def elbow_position
 Use this function to get the current position of the elbow joint center. More...
def wrist_position
 Use this function to get the current position of the wrist joint center. More...
def wrist_orientation
 Use this function to get the current orientation of the gripper(Endeffector). More...
def in_target
 Use this function to check if the endeffector is in the target pose or not. More...
def div_phi_err
 protected More...
def div_theta_err
 protected More...
def joint_redundancy_jacobian
 Use this function to get the Joint Redundancy Jacobian vector of the arm. More...
def grown_phi
 protected More...
def position_permission_workspace
 Use this method to get the permission range of x, y and z of the endeffector. More...
def restore_config
 returns the current configuration and sets the given configuration. More...
def pose_metric
 Use this function to get the displacement between the actual and desired wrist poses The metric returns sum of the norms of position difference Nd Frobenus norm of the orientation difference. More...
def optimal_config
 Finds the optimal value for the redundant parameter \( \phi \) that minimizes the cost function and returns the joints corresponding with optimal redundant parameter value. More...
def moveto_optimal
 Moves the joints within the solution manifold towards optimum configuration. More...
def closest_feasible_phi
 This function should be used when given redundant parameter \( \phi \) is within the given permission set (PS) and yet there is no IK solution for it. More...
def ik_direction
 Solves the position based inverse kinematics and returns a direction in the jointspace towards the solution (joint correction) More...
def feasible_joint_stepsize
 Given a direction for joint correction and a joint speed limit, this function returns the maximum feasible value by which the joints can move in this direction. More...
def move_joints_towards
def moveto_target
def goto_target
def all_IK_solutions
def IK_config
def ts_project
def js_project
def sync_from_magiks
def permission_set_position
def delta_phi_interval

Public Attributes

 A boolean specifying if orientation of the endeffector should be respected or not in finding the Inverse Kinematic solution. More...
 An instance of class PR2_ARM_CONFIGURATION() containing the jointspace properties and methods of the arm. More...
 A \( 3 \times 3 \) rotation matrix specifying the desired endeffector orientation for the IK problem. More...
 A numpy vector of size 3 specifying the desired endeffector position for the IK problem. More...
 A float specifying the value of \( a_0 \) in the DH parameters of the arm. More...
 A float specifying the value of \( d_2 \) in the DH parameters of the arm. More...
 A float specifying the value of \( d_4 \) in the DH parameters of the arm. More...
 protected More...
 protected More...
 An integer between 0 and 1 specifying the objective function code. More...
 An numpy array of size 3 containing the position of the wrist joint center w.r.t. More...
 A \( 3 \times 3 \) numpy matrix representing the orientation of the endeffector (gripper) w.r.t. More...
 A numpy array containing the Joint Redundancy Jacobian of the arm. More...
 protected More...
 protected More...
 Phi A variable of type Interval() containing the feasible interval for the redundant parameter \( \phi \) or the first joint angle (Shoulder Pan Joint) More...
 Delta A variable of type Interval() containing the feasible interval for the growth of redundant parameter ( \( \Delta \phi \)) More...

Detailed Description

Contains properties and methods managing the kinematics of the PR2 robot arm.

This class contains all properties and methods required for forward and inverse kinematic computations and kinematic control of the arm

Definition at line 376 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def __init__ (   self,
  a0 = 0.1,
  d2 = 0.4,
  d4 = 0.321,
  ql = default_ql,
  qh = default_qh,
  W = default_W,
  run_magiks = False 

The Class Constructor:

a0A float specifying the value of /f$ a_0 /f$ in the DH parameters of the arm
d2A float specifying the value of /f$ d_2 /f$ in the DH parameters of the arm
d4A float specifying the value of /f$ d_4 /f$ in the DH parameters of the arm
qlA numpy array of size 7 containing the lower bounds of the arm joints
qhA numpy array of size 7 containing the upper bounds of the arm joints
WA numpy array of size 7 containing the weights of each joint in the objective function.
       The joint weights will be used in the optimization of redundancy. 
      If the weight of a joint is 0, the joint is considered as unlimited. 
      This means the value of that joint does not need to be in a specific range.  

Definition at line 389 of file

Member Function Documentation

def all_IK_solutions (   self,
Finds all the feasible solutions of the Inverse Kinematic problem for given redundant parameter "phi"
"phi" is the value of the first joint angle "q[0]"
This function does NOT set the configuration so the joints do not change

Definition at line 1088 of file

def closest_feasible_phi (   self,
  increment = math.pi/360.0 

This function should be used when given redundant parameter \( \phi \) is within the given permission set (PS) and yet there is no IK solution for it.

The neighborhood of \( \phi \) is searched for a feasible IK solution. phi A scalar float specifying the desired value of the redundant parameter \( \phi \) (No Default value set) PS A list of variables of type interval. It can be the output of function If a solution is found, the config is set and a True is returned, If all permission set is searched with no solution, False is returned and the object configuration will not change.

Definition at line 936 of file

def delta_phi_interval (   self,
  respect_js = False 
Updates the feasible interval for the growth of the redundant parameter according to
the specified joint limits and the current value of the joints

Definition at line 1485 of file

def div_phi_err (   self)



Definition at line 641 of file

def div_theta_err (   self)



Definition at line 650 of file

def elbow_position (   self)

Use this function to get the current position of the elbow joint center.

A numpy vector of size 3 containing the cartesian coordinates of the elbow joint center w.r.t. the shoulder pan joint in the torso CS.

Definition at line 561 of file

def feasible_joint_stepsize (   self,
  time_step = 0.1 

Given a direction for joint correction and a joint speed limit, this function returns the maximum feasible value by which the joints can move in this direction.

direction A numpy vector of size 7 specifying the desired direction for joints to move speed_limit A scalar float specifying the maximum feasible joint speed step_time A scalar float specifying the step time

A scalar float containing the maximum feasible norm of joint correction in the specified direction.

Definition at line 986 of file

def goto_target (   self,
  phi = None,
  optimize = False,
  show = False 
Finds the inverse kinematic solution for the given redundant parameter phi
is phi is not feasible, the solution corresponding to the closest phi is returned.
If argument optimize is True, the solution will be optimized 
so that the joint values will be as close as possible to self.config.qm
If phi is not given, current q[0] will be selected as phi

The new joint angles will be set if all the kinematic equations are satisfied. 
All kinematic parameters will be updated.

Definition at line 1026 of file

def grown_phi (   self,
  k = 0.99,
  respect_js = False 


grows the redundant parameter by eta (adds eta to the current phi=q[0] and returns the new value for phi
1 - this function does NOT set the configuration so the joint values do not change
2 - if the grown phi is not in the feasible interval Delta, it will return the closest point in the range with a safety coefficient k so that
new phi = old phi + eta        : if    eta in Delta
new phi = old phi + k*Delta_h  : if    eta > Delta_h
new phi = old phi + k*Delta_l  : if    eta < Delta_l

Definition at line 753 of file

def IK_config (   self,
Finds the solution of the Inverse Kinematic problem for given redundant parameter "phi"
In case of redundant solutions, the one corresponding to the lowest objective function is selected.
property ofuncode specifies the objective function:
    ofuncode = 0 (Default) the solution closest to current joint angles will be selected 
    ofuncode = 1 the solution corresponding to the lowest midrange distance is selected
This function does NOT set the configuration so the joints do not change

Definition at line 1244 of file

def ik_direction (   self,
  phi = None,
  optimize = False 

Solves the position based inverse kinematics and returns a direction in the jointspace towards the solution (joint correction)

phiA scalar float specifying the desired value of the redundant parameter. If set as None (default), the current value of the shoulder-pan joint is replaced.
optimizeA boolean If True the IK solution minimize the defined cost function, otherwise the closest solution will be returned. The default is False.
A numpy vector of size 7, containing the direction of joint correction.

Definition at line 970 of file

def in_target (   self,
  norm_precision = 0.01 

Use this function to check if the endeffector is in the target pose or not.

norm_precisionA float specifying the required precision for the norm of both position and orientation error
A boolean: True if the norm of differences between the actual and desired poses of the endeffector are smaller than norm_precision, False if not.

Definition at line 633 of file

def joint_redundancy_jacobian (   self)

Use this function to get the Joint Redundancy Jacobian vector of the arm.

Since the robot arm has 7 DOF, there is only one redundant parameter. In this case, the Joint Redundancy Jacobian (JRJ) is a vector of 7 elements:

\[ J_i = \frac {\partial \theta_i }{\partial \phi} \]

This function should be called when the endeffector is in target. Otherwise, the output will not be correct.

A numpy vector of size 7 containing the derivative of each joint w.r.t. the redundant parameter $f $f

Definition at line 729 of file

def js_project (   self,
  ori_traj = None,
  phi_start = 0.0,
  phi_end = None,
  relative = True,
  traj_capacity = 2,
  traj_type = 'regular' 
projects the given taskspace pose trajectory into the jointspace using analytic inverse kinematics.
The phase starts from phi_start and added by self.dt in each step.
at any time, if a solution is not found, the process stops

Definition at line 1307 of file

def move_joints_towards (   self,
  step_time = 0.1 

Definition at line 995 of file

def moveto_optimal (   self,
  max_speed = genmath.infinity,
  step_time = 0.1 

Moves the joints within the solution manifold towards optimum configuration.

The optimization is based on the defined cost function. The joint change respects given joint speed limit max_speed A scalar float value specifying the maximum joint speed in Radians per second. The default is infinity A scalar float value specifying time to reach or step time. The default value is 0.1 sec.

A boolean: True if successfuly reduced the cost function, False if not

Definition at line 903 of file

def moveto_target (   self,
  optimize = False 

Definition at line 999 of file

def optimal_config (   self,
  show = False 

Finds the optimal value for the redundant parameter \( \phi \) that minimizes the cost function and returns the joints corresponding with optimal redundant parameter value.

This function does not change the object configuration.

showIf True, the values of redundant parameter and the objective function are printed on the console
A numpy vector of size 7 containing the optimal arm joint values

Definition at line 851 of file

def permission_set_position (   self)
This function finds and returns the set from which q0 is allowed to be chosen so that 
joint angles q0 , q2 and q3 in the analytic solution to the inverse kinematic problem are in their range. 
Consider that being q0 in the permission set, does not guarantee that all q0, q2 and q3 are in their ranges, but
it means that if q0 is out of permission set, one of the joints q0, q2 or q3 will definitely be out of their 
feasible range.
In other words, q0 being in perm. set, is a necessary but not sufficient condition for three joints 
q0, q2 and q3 to be in their range.
Permission set is broader than "confidence set" which ensures all q0, q2 and q3 to be in range.
(has both necessary and sufficient conditions)
The output depends on the defined joint limits and the desired endeffector pose but does not depend 
on the current position of the joints.

Definition at line 1388 of file

def pose_metric (   self)

Use this function to get the displacement between the actual and desired wrist poses The metric returns sum of the norms of position difference Nd Frobenus norm of the orientation difference.

\[ d(x, x_d) = \Sigma_{i = 1}^{3}(x_i - x_{di})^2 + \Sigma_{i = 1}^{3} \Sigma_{j = 1}^{3}(r_{ij} - r_{dij})^2 \]

A scalar value

Definition at line 842 of file

def position_permission_workspace (   self,

Use this method to get the permission range of x, y and z of the endeffector.

If the desired position for the endeffector(wrist joint center) is outside the permission range, then there is definitely no solution for the IK problem. The inverse of this conditional statement is not necessarily true.

fixedAn array of booleans of size 4, specifying if the corresponding joint is fixed or free The array size is 4 because only the first four joints ( \( q_0, q_1, q_2, q_3 \)) influence the position of the EE
an array of 3 intervals, corresponding to x, y and z

Definition at line 787 of file

def restore_config (   self,

returns the current configuration and sets the given configuration.

This function is used to restore the saved old configuration

q_oldA numpy vector of size 7 containing the arm joint values to be set
A numpy vector of size 7 containing the current joint values

Definition at line 830 of file

def set_config (   self,

Sets the robot configuration to the desired given joint values.

qdA numpy array of 7 elements containing the values of the given joints
A boolean: True if the given configuration is successfully set, False if the given configuration is not successfully set. (If False is returned, the configuration will not chenge)
arm = PR2_ARM()
qd  = np.zeros(7)   
print arm.config.q
print arm.wrist_position()
print arm.wrist_orientation()   

Definition at line 498 of file

def set_target (   self,

Sets the endeffector target to a desired position and orientation.

target_positionA numpy array of 3 elements specifying the desired endeffector position
target_orientationA \( 3 \times 3 \) numpy rotation matrix representing the desired endeffector orientation
A boolean: True if the given pose is successfully set, False if the given pose is not successfully set because of an error (If False is returned, properties self.xd and self.RD will not chenge)

Definition at line 531 of file

def sync_from_magiks (   self)

Definition at line 1384 of file

def ts_project (   self,
  phi_start = 0.0,
  phi_end = None 
projects the given jointspace trajectory into the taskspace
The phase starts from phi_start and added by delta_phi in each step.
if at any time the joint values are not feasible, the process is stopped.

Definition at line 1278 of file

def wrist_orientation (   self)

Use this function to get the current orientation of the gripper(Endeffector).

A \( 3 \times 3 \) numpy rotation matrix containing the current orientation of the gripper w.r.t. the torso.

Definition at line 598 of file

def wrist_position (   self)

Use this function to get the current position of the wrist joint center.

A numpy vector of size 3 containing the cartesian coordinates of the wrist joint center w.r.t. the shoulder pan joint in the torso CS.
Returns the cartesian coordiantes of the origin of the wrist. The origin of the wrist is the wrist joint center 

Definition at line 570 of file

Member Data Documentation


A float specifying the value of \( a_0 \) in the DH parameters of the arm.

Definition at line 408 of file



Definition at line 437 of file


An instance of class PR2_ARM_CONFIGURATION() containing the jointspace properties and methods of the arm.

Definition at line 397 of file


A float specifying the value of \( d_2 \) in the DH parameters of the arm.

Definition at line 411 of file


A float specifying the value of \( d_4 \) in the DH parameters of the arm.

Definition at line 414 of file


Delta A variable of type Interval() containing the feasible interval for the growth of redundant parameter ( \( \Delta \phi \))

Definition at line 475 of file


Definition at line 416 of file



Definition at line 464 of file



Definition at line 467 of file


Definition at line 484 of file


Definition at line 450 of file


A numpy array containing the Joint Redundancy Jacobian of the arm.

The Joint Redundancy Jacobian represents the derivatives of the joints w.r.t. the redundant parameter

\[ J_{ij} = \frac {\partial \theta_i }{\partial \phi_j} \]

Definition at line 461 of file


Definition at line 424 of file


Definition at line 441 of file



Definition at line 440 of file


Definition at line 485 of file


Definition at line 418 of file


Definition at line 417 of file


An integer between 0 and 1 specifying the objective function code.

Definition at line 444 of file


A boolean specifying if orientation of the endeffector should be respected or not in finding the Inverse Kinematic solution.

Definition at line 392 of file


Phi A variable of type Interval() containing the feasible interval for the redundant parameter \( \phi \) or the first joint angle (Shoulder Pan Joint)

Definition at line 471 of file


A \( 3 \times 3 \) rotation matrix specifying the desired endeffector orientation for the IK problem.

Recommended not to be set directly. Always use function set_target() to change this property.

Definition at line 401 of file


Definition at line 394 of file


Definition at line 556 of file


Definition at line 489 of file


A \( 3 \times 3 \) numpy matrix representing the orientation of the endeffector (gripper) w.r.t.

the torso Recommended to be read only. Calling function wrist_orientation() changes the value of this property.

Definition at line 454 of file


An numpy array of size 3 containing the position of the wrist joint center w.r.t.

the shoulder pan joint center in torso coordinate system Recommended to be read only. Calling function wrist_position() changes the value of this property.

Definition at line 448 of file


A numpy vector of size 3 specifying the desired endeffector position for the IK problem.

Recommended not to be set directly. Always use function set_target() to change this property.

Definition at line 405 of file

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