Manipulator General Inverse Kinematic Solver
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 complex.pyThis module provides tools by which you can work with complex numbers This module provides a class containing a set of reference positions and orientations in the taskspace together with their associated poses
 geometry.pyThis module contains a comprehensive data structure with relevant method and properties for identities in three-dimensional geometry like a point, a rotation or orinetation in 3D space, an ellipsoid and etc
 inverse_kinematics.pyThis module provides a functor class regaring the inverse kinematic calculations of a manipulator
 jacobian.pyThis module provides three classes representing the geometric, analytic and error jacobians of a manipulator
 kinematic_manager.pyThis module contains the main class for handling the kinematics of a manipulator
 log_manager.pyThis module provides classes containing data structure for IK test log data
 manipulator_library.pyContains a function that defines geometric parameters and joint limits for a number of known manipulators Some examples: (PUMA, PA10, EXO, AILA Arm and PR2 Arm)
 optimization.pyThis module provides fast solution to some typical optimization problems
 polynomials.pyThis module provides everything you need to work with polynomials including tools by which you can fit a curve through a set of points This module provides a class representing the residual error between the actual and desired endeffector poses including methods for calculating residual functions based on various conventions for both position and orientation
 pyride_interpreter.pyContains simplified functions to control PR2 using pyride engine
 pyride_synchronizer.pyContains simplified functions to control PR2 using pyride engine
 quaternions.pyThis module provides some useful functions dealing with quaternions
 skilled_pr2.pyContains a class inherited from PyRide_PR2 in which is connected to a real-time robot, a real PR2 or PR2 in simulation that have special skills like drawing This module provides a class representing the reference orientation of an endeffector and the desired value for it This module provides a class representing the reference poisition of an endeffector and the desired value for it This module provides a class representing the reference poisitions and orientations of an endeffector and the desired value for it
 trajectory.pyThis module provides a class containing a trajectory in the multi-dimensional space
 vectors_and_matrices.pyThis module provides some useful functions dealing with numpy vectors and matrices This module provides a class containing methods and properties regarding the workspace of a manipulator
 writer_pr2.pyContains a class inherited from Skilled_PR2 in which is connected to a real-time robot, a real PR2 or PR2 in simulation that have special writing skills