Manipulator General Inverse Kinematic Solver
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Installing MAGIKS

MAGIKS is a set of scripts for python developers. It can be easily installed by checking out the spurce code from the github repository. Make a directory anywhere in which you want to copy the scripts. This will be the root directory of MAGIKS. Then go to that directory and type:

``` git clone ```

Before using MAGIKS, you need to install some dependant packages:


Currently, Magiks is dependant on the following Python library packages

The following sections give detailed instructions on how these required libraries can be installed on your system. NOTE that we assume your target machine use a recent Ubuntu Linux system.

Install numpy,sympy and other required dependancies

First, we install required packages from the standard Ubuntu distribution repository:

  1. sudo apt-get update (make sure we have latest package listing).
  2. sudo apt-get install python-pip python-pygame python-matplotlib python-numpy python-sympy scons.

Compile and install crlibm library

There is no standard package for crlibm library on Ubuntu/Debian system. The source code can be downloaded from here. Use the following commands to compile and install the library from a terminal:

``` tar zxf crlibm-1.0beta4.tar.gz cd crlibm-1.0beta4 ./configure CPPFLAGS=-fPIC make sudo make install ```

The crlibm library should be installed under this directory: ``` /usr/local/lib ```

Install pyinterval package

``` sudo pip install pyinterval ```

Compile and install cgkit

cgkit also requires custom installation. The source code can be downloaded from here. Similar to crlibm, use the following commands to install cgkit library from a terminal:

``` tar zxf cgkit-2.0.0-py3k.tar.gz cd cgkit-2.0.0/supportlib scons cd .. sudo python install ```

Install PyRide package

PyRide is required if you want to control the physical PR2 robot or PR2 in simulation via S-PR2 package under MAGIKS. It is a ROS interface by which you can communicate with ROS and can synchronize the configuration of the PR2 object with the real robot. You can also run a trajectory or implement a real-time trajectory control on PR2. You will need PyRide if you work with any of these packages:

To install pyride, follow the instructions from "here".